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We guarantee free delivery in more than 3,000 towns
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We guarantee free delivery in more than 3,000 towns
Diets are delivered daily on weekdays and Saturdays (delivery on Saturday and Sunday) in the morning.
The free delivery area includes:
Aniolki, Bretowo, Brzezno, Chelm, Jasien, Kokoszki, Letnica, Matarnia, Mlyniska, Nowy Port, Oliwa, Olszynka, Orunia, Orunia Gorna, Osowa, Piecki – Migowo, Przerobka, Przymorze Małe, Przymorze Wielkie, rudniki, Siedlce, Stogi, Strzyza, Suchanino, Srodmieście, Ujeścisko – Lostowice, 7 dwór, Wrzeszcz Dolny, Wrzeszcz Gorny, Wzgorze Mickiewicza, Zaspa – Mlyniec, Zaspa – Rozstaje, Zabianka - Wejhera - Jelitkowo – Tysiąclecia
Chylonia, Cisowa, Dzialki Lesne, Grabowek, Kamienna Gora, Karwiny, Leszczynki, Mały Kack, Obluze, Oksywie, Orlowo, Redlowo, Srodmiescie, Wielki Kack, Witomino-Radiostacja, Witomino-Lesniczówka, Wzgorze sw. Maksymiliana
Centrum, Karlikowo, Kamienny Potok, Przylesie, Dolny Sopot Grunwaldzka, Dolny Sopot Haffnera, Lisie Wzgorze, Zajęcze Wzgorze, Gorny Sopot, Brodwino, Osiedle Mickiewicza, Swiemirowo, Stawowie, Lesna Polana\Grezowo, Centrum Poludnie – Kosciuszki, Sopocki Las
Deliveries are also made outside the indicated area. The fee for the delivery of a diet outside the free zone is set individually - in such a situation contact us to know the price and possible delivery hours.
If you want to have your diet delivered daily to a different address, also at different times we can do it, however it is important that we receive information about such changes early enough, i.e. by 10 a.m. on the working day preceding the delivery of the diet.